Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009


  1. 5 hari dalam satu minggu
  2. 40-60 manit per sesi
  3. 2-3 kali latihan per masing2 otot dalam satu minggu
  4. 1-2 set pemanasan per masing2 otot
  5. 9-12 set inti untuk masing2 otot
  6. repetisi sebagian besar berkisar 6-12 dengan beban berat yg terkontrol
  7. berlatih sampai failure/gagal positif
  8. bentuk gerakan yg benar adalah kunci utamanya
  9. mind-muscle connection(hubungan atara otak dan otot yg kita latih terjaga

Pituitary Growth Hormone (pGH)

Pituitary Growth Hormone (pGH) is the answer for athletes who want all of the benefits of Human Growth Hormone (hGH) without having to resort to daily (and expensive) injections. This product will aid in muscle growth, fat loss, and increased recovery from intense training- and best of all, it's now available in pill form instead of injectable!

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

Ultimate Cutting Stack

Cutting Stack* Includes: 2 Clen *; 2 Winn-50 *; 2 Tren 75 *

This stack is great for someone who wants to cut up some of the mass they've gained for either a competiton, with one of our other stacks, or just look great at the beach. This is the most affective solution to cutting fat that we offer.

D-anabol 25

D-anabol is most commonly used in bulking and strength cycles. It is very effective at adding weight. This weight is almost always accompanied by huge increases in both strength and an increased ability to recover from intense training


General Nutrition

Sport Nutrition

Protein & Gainer

Amino Acids

Weight Loss & Energy